Submissions closed 5pm (AEST) 17 July 2015
The Information Guidelines (the Guidelines) developed by Independent Expert Scientific Committee on Coal Seam Gas and Large Coal Mining Development (the IESC), outline the information considered necessary to enable the IESC to provide robust scientific advice to government regulators on the water-related impacts of coal seam gas and large coal mining development proposals.
The Guidelines were initially published in March 2013. The IESC undertook a review of the Information Guidelines in consultation with regulators and government scientific agencies, and released an updated version in April 2014.
Invitation to comment
On behalf of the IESC, the Australian Government Department of the Environment is seeking comments from the public on a revision of the Guidelines to be released in late 2015.
The IESC invites written submissions on the revised draft Guidelines. The IESC will consider all of the comments received and may amend the Guidelines in response to those comments.
How can I get involved in this consultation?
1. Read the consultation document
Consultation draft (PDF - 572 KB)
Consultation draft (DOCX - 109.03 KB)
2. Complete a submission cover sheet
You must provide a completed cover sheet
Cover sheet for submissions (PDF - 415.39 KB)
Cover sheet for submissions (DOCX - 437.49 KB)
3. Sending your submission
Please send your submission to by 5:00pm AEST, Friday 17 July 2015
Submission confidentiality
All submissions will be treated as public documents, unless the author of the submission has requested that the submission not be published on the grounds that its publication could reasonably be expected to substantially prejudice the commercial interests of the author or another person. Public submissions may be published in full on the IESC’s website, including any personal information of authors and/or other third parties contained in the submission.
Confidential submissions will not be published. For a submission to be treated as confidential, the confidentiality section of the submission template must be completed.
If only part of the submission should be treated as confidential then please provide two versions of the submission; one full version and one with the confidential information removed.
A request made under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 for access to a submission marked confidential will be determined in accordance with that Act.
Privacy information
Personal information provided to the IESC as part of the IESC Information Guidelines public consultation will be dealt with in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 (link is external) (Cth) and the Australian Privacy Principles (link is external). The Department of the Environment’s Privacy Policy is available at