Public consultation
The consultation on the new Explanatory Note on How to derive site-specific guideline values for physical and chemical parameters closed on 6 September 2018. The documents below remain available for reference only.
The Information Guidelines Explanatory Note - Deriving site-specific guideline values for physico-chemical parameters and toxicants can be accessed via the Publications page.
The Independent Expert Scientific Committee on Coal Seam Gas and Large Coal Mining Development held a public consultation on its new Explanatory Note: How to derive site-specific guideline values for physical and chemical parameters.
Read the draft
Consultation on How to derive Site-specific Guideline Values for Physical and Chemical Parameters: IESC Information Guidelines Explanatory Note (PDF - 2 MB)
Consultation on How to derive Site-specific Guideline Values for Physical and Chemical Parameters: IESC Information Guidelines Explanatory Note (DOCX - 2.02 MB)
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